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9 Healthy Habits That Will Help You Lose Weight

Are you looking to lose weight? If so, follow the nine tips below to get started. Quit sugar for good with these 5 amazing foods.

#1 Stop fizzy drinks
Drink water and mineral water instead, to satisfy the needs of your body.

#2 Stay hydrated
The general recommendation is for an average adult to consume at least 2 liters of water a day to maintain a normal hydration state. Physically active people need to drink more water, at least 3 - 4 liters a day. A situation of having lesser water in your body than normal is known as dehydration. When in this state, the body burns less excess fat than when it is well hydrated. Check out Metabolic Weight Loss-5 simple ways to boost metabolism at this link for more info.

#3 Say no to alcohol
Alcohol temporarily lowers testosterone levels, slows muscle recovery and growth, and suppresses sexual desire. In terms of losing weight, drinking can reduce the process of burning calories and increase your appetite. The number of calories in alcohol is very high. Moreover, the calories are metabolized first in the body.

#4 Eat slowly
Everybody knows that eating fast and gaining excess body fat go hand in hand. This is because, most of the time, it ends up as overeating. It takes up to 10 minutes for our stomach to send signal to our brain that the food enough

#5 Be careful at the restaurant
When making your choices from a restaurant menu, find out about the fat content of the meals. You could order steamed vegetables or salad with low fat dressing, for example.

#6 Calculate calories
Every weight loss program for balancing weight and reducing body fat is based on the main rule about calorie deficit: burn more calories than you consume. Aim to decrease your intake by up to 250 calories. It may seem hard at first, but you will be well rewarded later.

#7 Cut down high sugar foods
Too much sugar in the food increases insulin levels. This promotes fat storage and makes it harder to use body fat for energy. The only reasonable time for taking sugars is right after a workout.

#8 The time for eating
When you eat is as much important as what you eat. Two-thirds of your daily calorie intake should be taken before lunch to avoid overeating later.

#9 Eat more fibrous food
Fibers, soluble and insoluble, are important for your health and help to decrease body fat. Adults have to consume 35 - 40 grams of fibers daily. One-third of the fibers have to be insoluble. Examples of excellent fiber source are cereals, legumes and some sorts of vegetables.

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